As life becomes increasingly pressure-packed, there are an increasing number of people who are taking out their troubles on their teeth. When people are under stress – and that seems almost constant now (mortgage payments on homes and cars, recent engagements and upcoming marriages, job security and long commutes to work) – they grind all the harder. With no food to absorb the impact and no consciousness to exert control, nocturnal teeth grinding is powerful enough to crack a walnut. The results can be horrifying. Some front teeth can be worn down nearly to the gum-line. Other teeth, especially molars, are cracked – or they snap off entirely – or they get a hairline fracture that feels like a toothache but is impossible for a dentist to see. All this grinding and clenching can cause migraine headaches and nagging muscle soreness in the head and neck region leading to a phenomenon known as T.M.J., Tempro Mandibular Joint Syndrome.
Dr. Abramson has participated in many courses at the famous L.D. Pankey institute in South Florida, USA. He has been trained to evaluate and identify TMJ disorders. There are many modes of therapy that are used by him to help alleviate the symptoms that patients may have. This consists of wearing a custom made bite appliance, special jaw exercises, physiotherapy and diet counseling. This combination allows the joint to relax and regain its former healthy functioning.